Passiontide 2016
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
“Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi” is a traditional dictum of the church. Loosely translated it means the way we worship determines what we believe. That basically means that our faith and beliefs are determined by how and the manner in which we worship. This is why as Anglicans the BCP has always been the gold standard of faith and belief in the Church. The Prayer Book has been referred to as the Bible arranged for worship. Some 65% of the prayers in the BCP come directly from the Bible. The remaining 35% can be referenced from the Bible. One can literally follow the prayers printed in the BCP and reference in the margins of each page, chapter and verse of the Bible. The beautiful thing is that the BCP uses the words that God gave us in the Bible as the way to worship Him!
An additional note: many add “lex vivendi”, to the dictum: “Lex orandi, lex credendi lex vivendi.” It is meant to mean as we worship, so we act or behave. So if our worship is faithful to the Bible, then we can be assured that our lives are being lived in accordance with Christ and his Gospel.
As we anticipate and plan for the coming season we are looking to have the mission and work of the Prayer Book Society become more relevant of the life of the church. There are real challenges facing the church today; challenges of faith and doctrine. The General Synod this summer in Toronto should be a turning pint for our national church. These challenges need to be addressed by searching our God’s Word and finding strength from the inheritance of our apostolic tradition. It will be important to rely on the wisdom and spirituality supplied by the saints and enshrined in the prayers and liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer.
The Book of Common Prayer has been the mainstay and compass for the church in past times of challenge. In times of disillusionment, uncertainty, and changing values, women and men of faith have regained their footing in the Prayer Book. Because it is God’s Word in prayer it is alive and continually inspiring and formative.
We need your assistance in preparing for a better tomorrow in the church. Please complete the attached form to help us focus our efforts in the coming season. Thank-you. Also we thank-you for your continued prayers and financial support. Help us promote God’s work in the lives of the faithful and parishes of Southern Alberta.
Have a blessed Easter,
Fr. Rob Taylor, MBA
Branch President
The Prayer Book Society
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